The 2024-25 Economic Horizon: Projections, Risks, and Global Impacts

This discussion will explore the OECD’s latest economic forecasts for the G20 countries and Norway, highlighting the resilience of global growth in 2023 and the anticipated inflation trends. We’ll also discuss how geopolitical tensions and the US elections may shape the global economic environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the economic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Ania Thiemann, Global Relations Manager and Competition Expert/Economist
at the Competition Division of the OECD
Senior Economist Knut Magnussen, DNB
Simon Gentry, Senior Counsel, Wildwind Strategic.
Political analyst and advisor.
18.00: Registration & coffee/tea
18.30: Discussions
19.30: Networking with drinks and canapés
20.30: End
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